50 Expected Questions on Chemistry| Chemistry Questions and Answers
1. The substance that can be used as a hypnotic: Barbituric acid
2. The ‘fixing agent’ used in photograhic film is: Sodium thiosulphate
3. The maximum concentration of ozone is found in the: Stratosphere
4. The Halogen which is used as an antiseptic: Iodine
5. The lightest noble gas: Helium
6. Cetane number is used to rate: Diesel
7. Plaster of Paris is prepared by heating: Gypsum
8. The heaviest of Alkaline earth metals: Radium
9. Which metal foil is used for packing chocolates, medicines, cigarettes etc?
10. As per Avogadro’s hypothesis, equal volume of different gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number of: molecules
11. The element with the largest number of isotopes: Tin
12. Which property of copper and aluminium makes them suitable for making cooking utensils and boilers?
High thermal conductivity
13. Silver objects turn dark on prolonged exposure to air due to the formation of: Silver sulphide
14. In which type of rocks petroleum is found?
15. The green coating on the surface of copper objects kept exposed to moist air is due to the formation of: Basic copper carbonate
16. What is the full form of P.V.C.? Poly Venyl Chloride
17. Hydrogen in liquid form is used as: rocket fuel
18. In which form cooking gas is supplied cylinders for domestic consumption?
19. The process used in dairies to separate cream from milk is: Centrifugation
20. Radio Carbon dating was discovered by: Willard Franck Libby
21. Development of unpleasant smell and taste in oil and fat containing food items due to oxidation of atmospheric oxygen is called: Rancidity
22. An anti-oxidant often added to fat containing foods to prevent rancidity: Butyrated hydroxi anisole
23. The most abundant type of coal: Bituminous
24. Pigments obtained from plants can be separated by: Chromatography
25. Which is called the ‘Mother of Pearl’?
26. Teflon, the tough and fire resistant polymer, containing the halogen: Flourine
27. The glass used to make optical instruments: Flint glass
28. Molish test is used to detect the presence of: Carbohydrates
29. The acid used to make permanent writing on the surface of glass: Hydrofluric acid
30. What is the full form of LPG? Liquified Petroleum Gas
31. Cyclonite is also known as: RDX
32. A non metal other than carbon which shows allotropy is: Sulphur
33. The radio active isotope used to determine the activity of thyroid gland is: Iodine-131
34. Camphor can be separated from sand by: Sublimation
35. Which halogen is contained in DDT?
36. Smoke, fog and mist are examples of: Aerosols
37. Iron that contains the highest percentage of carbon: Pig Iron
38. Acidity in milk is caused by: The activity of enzymes
39. Which element has the lowest melting point? Helium
40. The element with the highest density-Osmium
41. The lightest metal: Lithium
42. The element with the highest boiling point: Tungsten
43. Which element has the second highest density?
44. The most abundant metal in human body:Calcium
45. What percent of the atmosphere is Oxygen?
46. What percent of the mass of human body is Oxygen?
47. The most common element on the earth’s crust by mass: Oxygen
48. The most abundant element in the moon: Oxygen
49. Which metal has the highest melting point?
50. The most abundant metal in the whole earth: Iron
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