50 Expected Questions on Indian Polity and Constitution - gk lokam

6 November 2019

50 Expected Questions on Indian Polity and Constitution

50 Expected Questions on Indian Polity and Constitution

1. Which Article of the Constitution is related to President’s rule in State?

2. Which State/ Union Territory has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly? 

3. The minimum age required to contest in the election to Legislative Assembly: 25

4. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the strength of State Legislative Assembly is limited upto: 500

5. The Indian state where President’s rule was imposed for the first time: Punjab

6. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Council seats? Uttar Pradesh

7. Union Territory in South India to have Legislative Assembly: Puducherry

8. The minimum age required to become a candidate for the post of President: 35

9. Who administers the oath of office of the President? Chief Justice of India

10. If the post of president is vacant, a new president will be elected within ..... months : 6

11. The tenure of the president of India is ...... years. 5

12. Supreme Commander of Armed Forces of India: President of India

13. In case of resignation, the President submits his resignation letter to: Vice President

14. The procedure for removing the President of India, if he violates the Constitution: Impeachment

15. The official residence of the President of India, Rashrapathi Bhavan, was designed by: Edwin Lutyens

16. The position of the President of India is similar to: British Monarch

17. The idea of elected president as the head of the state has been copied from: Ireland

18. Constitutional head of the state in India- The President of India

19. The executive powers of the union of India is vested with: President

20. Which Article of the Constitution related to impeachment of President? 

21. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absense? Vice President

22. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absense of Presidend and Vice President? 
Chief Justice

23. President is empowered to declare how many types of emergency? 

24. The ordinances issued by the President must be approved by the President within ...... weeks of the reassembly of Parliament: 6

25. Which Article of the Constitution related to issuance of ordinances by the President? 

26. From which community the President of India can nominate two members to Lok Sabha to ensure representation? 
Anglo- Indian

27. Who summons the Lok Sabha?

28. A person who enjoys all the powers vested in him by the Constitution isc called? 
Titular sovereign

29. Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha? 
The President

30. The President of India to exercise pocket veto: Zail Singh

31. The Inter-State Council is presided over by: Prime Minister

32. Who is called ‘the link between the President and the cabinet’? Prime minister

33. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission? Prime Minister

34. Who is known as the ‘key stone of the cabinet arch? Prime Minister

35. Who is called “the first among the equals”? 
Prime Minister

36. India borrowed the idea of Fundamental Rights from the Constitutuion of: USA

37. In which year the Indian National Congress passed a resolution in Madras which declared that ‘the basis of future Constitution of India must be a declaration of Fundamental Rights’? 

38. Which session of the Indian National Congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic and Social Change? 

39. In which part of the Constitution the Fundamental Rights are included? 

40. Who described Part III of Constitution dealing Fundamental Rights as the most criticized part of the Constitution? 
BR Ambedkar

41. The number of Fundamental Rights when the Constitution was brought into force? 

42. The number of Fundamental Rights at present: 6

43. Which amendment of the Constitution removed ‘the right to property’ from the list of Fundamental Rights?

44. In which year 44th amendment of the Constitution was passed? 1978

45. Who was the prime minister of India when Right to property was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights? 
Morarji Desai

46. The Articles of the Constitution of India dealing with Right to Equality: 14 to 18

47. The Article that deals about Equality before law: 14

48. Which Article of the Constitution is related to prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth? 

49. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment’? 

50. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of untouchability’? 

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